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Saturday, May 10, 2014

Tricky English Vocab

1)   Sabbatical     
Meaning :  rest from work, long leave
Pronunciation: [suh-bat-i-kuh]
Trick : Sab baatein kal as i am on a sabbatical.

2)    Saboteur
Meaning :doing delibrate damage to something
Trick : Sab todne fodne wala saboteur hota hai.

3)   Sacrilege
Pronunciation :[sak-ruh-lij]
Meaning : an act of treating  a holy thing or place without respect .
Trick : Shak karte hai religious cheezon pe is liye sacrilege karte  hai .

4)   Sacrosanct
Pronunciation : [sak-roh-sangkt]
Meaning :thought to be too important or too special to be changed.
Trick : India ke saikro(millions) sants apne aap ko sacrosanct bante hai .

5)   Sadistic
Pronunciation : [ suh-dis-tik ]
Meaning  : a sadistic person obtains pleasure from hurting other ppl and making them suffer physically or mentally.

Trick  : a sadistic person make ppl sad with a stick.

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